Today is The Big Day

The strengthened seminar of my Movement containing the 5 Commandments plus numerous specific strategies and examples to guide; to govern your investment will be holding on 28th July, 2018 and it is theme Comprehensive Stock Trading & Investing Toolbox for the Rest of 2018

This seminar takes no prisoners. It kills all fakery, myths and confusion about what really works. Do not spend another dime on your portfolio before attending this seminar. Here’s why:

#1: CLARITY. I’ve had the good fortune of working with many, many incredibly successful investors who’ve built 6-figure and 7-figure incomes and businesses worth millions, tens of millions  and the one thing they all have in common is relentless pursuit of clarity about what works; about reliable fundamentals that are not to be ignored. This seminar is that clarity. And you’ve never needed it more than now. when there is so much “confusion” about what to do, so much competition for your attention and investment.

Which brings me to… #2: FOCUS. Buffet says that the difference he’s observed between ordinary successful investors and extraordinarily successful investors is that the extraordinary ones say No to just about everything. It takes a lot; a lot of facts, proof to persuade them to deviate from a small set of navigational principles or to change or replace what works. You are an investor.  Steve Jobs said FOCUS is not so much about what you focus on, but on everything else you stubbornly exclude. This requires principles. This seminar also lays emphasis on it.

So, for more information, call 08028164085,08032055467 or send an email to

Dedicated to Multiplying your income,
Ambrose Omordion

PS: Reminder!!! 3days left by 1st of July 2018

1. Buying and selling signal Premium Membership will be accessible for web and social media platform for only those that have paid.

2.I will stop posting into the Whatsapp groups. So, join our telegram group by clicking on the below link if you already have telegram in your phone.

However, if you don’t have Telegram on your phone, click on the below link to download first. Afterwards, click on the above link to join.


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