Shined Shoes Save Lives


Ambrose Here Again,

In 1991, General Norman Schwarzkopf led the international coalition of more than 750,000 troops to force the Iraqi army out of Kuwait.

General Schwarzkopf was recognized for his strict attention to detail, regardless of how insignificant it was. “Shined shoes save lives,” he said.

Schwarzkopf believed that if his soldiers were not disciplined enough about small things, they would not be able to respond appropriately under pressure. Death is inevitable for soldiers who are not disciplined at the small details, not to talk of the complex ones. 

By performing even the smallest tasks with precision, day-in, and day-out, (such as shining their shoes,) soldiers develop the discipline needed to perform under pressure.

Similarly, if you are not adding value to and growing yourself daily, then you won't be able to cope under pressure. That is the economic and policies of the government which is harming the economy and market. 

In this new normal, your level of success is determined by your level of discipline at growing and investing in yourself because You will either suffer the pains of discipline and survive under any economic pressure; or you will suffer the pains of regret and its consequences.

Want to withstand the coming economic and financial pressure in 2021? Invest in yourself by getting the Invest 2021 Summit Training Videos + PDF 

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If you sincerely want to continuously be winning starting from next year because your level of success is measured by your level of discipline.

Dedicated to Your Financial Freedom

Ambrose Omordion


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