How to Simply Manage a Long Bear Market

Bear market is brute hit on the stock market. It is just like the way a locked on torpodeo hits a ship.  Fortunately, bear markets tend to be much shorter than bull markets except in some rare instances. Like year of election which depends on the country. if you have been following my trend and got any of my materials, you will be properly diversified, you can get through without no/much damage.

On the brighter side, bear markets can provide opportunities to boost your portfolio and lay the groundwork for more long-term wealth-building. Here are 3 practical ways to make bear markets very bear-able (and profitable

*1.Reduce/Stop Your Stake On Bad Stocks:* Bear markets may be tough for good stocks, but they’re brutal to bad stocks. When bad stocks go down, they can keep falling and give you an opportunity to profit when they decline further.

*2.Be Patient:* A bear market shouldn’t make you sweat. Good stocks come out of bear markets, and they’re usually ready for the subsequent bull market. So don’t be so quick to get out of a stock. Just keep monitoring the company for  their sales growth, profits and so on. But, if the company looks fine, then hang on.

*3.Follow trend and Acquire Knowledge:* This is very important because it will help you making decisions regarding either selling or buying of stocks. This can be done by getting materials, attending seminars, trainings.

Happy Trading,
Ambrose Omordion

PS: since nothing is new under the sun and In my quest to ensure that you get what you want in the stock market despite all the odds, I have done a *comprehensive Stock Trading and investing toolkit for the rest of 2018* that will help you make decisions now and in the future to come. Call 08028164085,08032055467 or send an email to


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