Is this really new?

Recently, I went to the library to conduct a research although it is was on finance but not on stock. Concisely, a publication which requires me to make reference to books. After I finished with the research, I decided to walk around if I could see something to add to my knowledge that is completely non-finance related. So, I went the arts section and I found a big book called G.W.F Hegel Dialectical Idealism.

In this book, he said that everything is made of an idea and this idea is always constantly changing from Thesis, antithesis and synthesis where

(1) thesis beginning of an event
(2) a negation of that thesis called the antithesis, and
(3) a synthesis whereby the two conflicting ideas are reconciled to form a new outcome.

This is no different in January and February bull market which is the thesis, the current bearish market is the antithesis while the recovery by the market is the synthesis which now become the new thesis.

The question I want to ask is that is this a new event? the answer is capital NO. However, you tend to feel some how about it which is still understandable.

But do you know that the impact of such negation can be reduced through knowledge which is the key to success, power and liberation.

Hence, if you want to liberate yourself, your finance and you don't want it to be based on whims and caprice call 08028164085,08032055­467 or send an email to ambroseconsultants@y­ to find out how to control your activities and prepare for a synthesis professionally in a bear market.

Happy Trading
Ambrose Omordion


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