Decision is Destiny


Ambrose Here Again,

Time is the most important resource in the entire universe. It is more important than diamond, gold or any other precious stone because everything in life requires time.

However, the question I want to ask you now is; how have you been spending your indispensable and irreplaceable time? Are you spending it on those activities that matter? Precisely, activities that will help you achieve your financial goals in life.

For instance, you have set a goal of how to improve on your portfolio based on the new normal. The question is, have you gone for the necessary training needed? Have you bought the necessary materials, are you technically sound in this dynamic market?  

Hence, I want you to examine yourself and make amendments because time is running out fast.

Don't fall into the trap of blaming the government, economy, the soil, the season, the people around. They are all you have and you don't have control over them. What you can control is your positive response to their activities.

Dedicated to Your Financial Success

Ambrose Omordion 

P. S. Learning is value, learning is health, learning is wealth, learning is development, learning is growth. Today is another decision day and it is your decision today that will determine your future results and that is why James Allen Said that Decision is Destiny. So, whether you respond or not, indecision is a decision. 


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