Are you creating obstacles to your own Financial success?

Ambrose,  Here Again,


Do you know the behaviors that are holding you back?

As you head into the last phase of 2021, it is good to start thinking about what new habits and fresh perspectives you would like to create for the rest of the year and beyond.

What is creating obstacles to your success?

For many, it begins in their own head, so stop sabotaging yourself with your own thoughts and actions! All too often, we place limitations on ourselves that prevent us from living out our dreams.

Whether your dream is...

Financial freedom,

Jumping out of an airplane,

Losing weight or

expanding your social circles.

...we sometimes get in our own way — and often, without even realizing it.

Here are a few ways we do that:

#1: Staying In Our Comfort Zone: Our critical inner voice likes to keep us in a nice, safe box. Our brains view this as self-preservation because it wants to protect us from feeling vulnerable, making a mistake, being judged or being disappointed. That critical inner voice may say, “you are not worthy” or “that is too much work,” or “what if you fail?”

#2: Believing A Negative Self-Image...your inner critic is so familiar to you that you don’t even stop to challenge it. We get stuck in patterns and then base our whole lives around those parameters because that is what we are used to. The defenses (excuses) we put up to protect us only limit our lives and our potentials.

#3: Letting fear rule you: Fear is the energy that causes us to shut down, hide and silently suffer. Love is the energy that pushes, heals, and allows us to open up. Fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of rejection, and fear of judgment often holds us back.

I am here to tell you that we are more resilient than we think. Do not let your own fear, negative self-criticism, or comfort zone keep you down. Sure, you may try something new and fail. But I firmly believe we will never regret the things we have done, only the things we never tried.👍

The MasterClass is around the corner and registration will be opening soon... Do not let those behaviors hold you back from smiling while others are complaining about the economy!!.

Dedicated to Your Financial Success,

Ambrose Omordion


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