Just as a High Rise Building starts with a Block

Ambrose Here Again,

It is wise to know what comes first and what to do first. To begin anything in the middle or at the end is to muddle things up.

An athlete who began a 100m race by breaking the tape first would not receive any prize. You must begin by toeing the starter mark and even then, a good start is important if you want to win.

When you were a kid, you did not begin with algebra or literature but with counting 123 and reciting ABC. So, in life-the businessmen who begin at the bottom, achieve more success, and the religious men who reach the highest height of spiritual knowledge and wisdom are those who have stooped to serve others.

As a result, to invest in this new normal especially now that the figures you are seeing do not favor investors, you need to understand the elementary or basics of such a new economy. 

So, before you aim at how to get the best out of this current New normal, you must get the required knowledge needed to help you stand and invest wisely and smarter. 

Recently, I sent you a post regarding the

LIFE BEYOND COVID-19: INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITIES IN VARIOUS ASSET Classes.  26th September, 2020 10:00am to 2:00pm

This training will assist you to get started from where you are now to where you want to be starting from next month 

Click on the below link to reserve your spot before it closes Next week Thursday 23rd September, 2020 



Ambrose Omordion


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