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In 2017, the Nigerian Equities Market gained 42.3% Year 2018 snatched off 17.8% of the gained Points in 2017, Meanwhile, Jan. 2019-Date had taken another 13.2% of 2017 gained Points In other words, only 11.3% is left of all gained points in 2017, that is, market already created opportunities for those who lost out in 2017 upbeat. Due to the long bearish moves, several listed equities now sells at very attractive prices Going by the readings of the chart, the market may engage in a recovery move around the current trading point Why you must position now!! From the above introduction, it can be concluded that the market has reversed almost all gained points in 2017, this is a clear indication that listed equities are largely selling at cheaper prices at the moment In every market, goods are stocked when prices are cheap, Technically we say “Stock Your Goods when the Streets are bloody”. Smart Investors are now positioning for Q3 Earnings: The m...