Have You Done This?

According to G.W.F Hegel Dialectics. An event is a thesis is negated by an antithesis then synthesis which is the final stage of the circle.

If we apply this to the stock market, thesis (Bear Market) will be negated by an antithesis (Bull) and finally into synthesis which will encompass both uptrend and little downtrend of the market.

However, until a bear market market sets in, you will be getting the best out of the bull market. But, the question I want to ask you is, how prepared are you for the massive change that is coming? Are you sure if your old knowledge about an ever changing market is still relevant? Because during the transformation from either bear to bull or bull to bear, many variables and circumstances have changed.

Hence, if you really want to get the best in the new promising phase, you have to get the right knowledge by joining paid investment groups like buying and selling signal subscription, attending  seminars that will tell you what to do and buying training materials.

Happy Trading,
Ambrose Omordion

PS: just as it is impossible to start studying on the exam day and pass, so also it is impossible to start acquiring the necessary skills when in you are already in the bull market. A word is enough for the wise...


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