AIICO Reports 95.6% Growth In Half Year Net Profit

Directors of AIICO Insurance Plc, on Thursday gave shareholders enough reasons to be anticipate a juicy returns on investment at yearend, after reporting robust growth in half-year profit, helped by growth in such line items as profit from net realized gains, other operating income and the significant drop in impairment loss on financial assets. Gross premium written rose 30.16% to N19.296bn from the previous N14.825bn; while gross premium income notched 34.41% from N12.691bn to N17.058bn; and reinsurance expenses increased to N2.658bn, up by 33.2% from N1.995bn. Net premium income improved by 34.63% from N10.696bn in 2017Q2, to N14.4bn; Insurance contract rose by 55.99% from N359.79m to N561.238m; pension and other contracts appreciated to N977.95m from N849.483m; net underwriting income stood at N15.939bn from N11.905bn; just as net claims expenses rose 28.85% from N8.872bn to N11.431bn; and underwriting expense from N1.556bn to N1.912bn. Total underwriting expenses increase...