Nigeria Out Of Recession, But Citizens Becoming Poorer, Says IMF

Wants CBN To Stop Economic, FX Intervention International newswire- Reuters, on Wednesday reported the International Monetary Fund (IMF) as saying in a report Nigerians are getting poorer despite the country’s slow recovery from recession. The report therefore noted the urgent need for “comprehensive and coherent” economic policies reforms, even as the Muhammadu Buhari administration snakes out of the mire in the medium term, even as progress could also be threatened if elections next year consume political energy and resources. Since emerging from recession in the second quarter of 2017, Nigerian officials have repeatedly boasted that they have set the economy back on track. Data by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) released on Tuesday, February 27, 2018 put Nigeria’s full-year 2017 GDP growth at 0.83%, driven majorly by the combination of crude oil output, helped by peace in the restive Niger-Delta region, and soaring prices at the international markets The IM...