Since the introduction of money as a replacement for trade by barter, it has always been in circulation. One thing has remained constant in the history of money is that only those who understand and know how to send it on errands or make it work for them successfully amassed and controlled it. Before I go further, what is success? Success is travelling on the right road towards your goal. Simply put success is, “a progressive realization of worthy ideal”. Though money is very hard to define, for economic reasons, it is anything that is generally acceptable for settlement of debts, and a medium of exchange. It is a common scene to see people who work round the clock or even earn reasonable salaries and yet have little or nothing to show for it. This is because they have one source of income, called "Linear Income”. Until you put your money down to work for you in the investment mix such as: real estates, bonds and shares, where residual income is generated, ...